Welcome to VANISH

Search and support for adults impacted by adoption and family separation


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VANISH is a VIctorian-based not-for-profit organisation providing support to adults affected by past adoption practices including adopted people, mothers and fathers separated from a child through adoption and other family members. We also provide support to care leavers and donor conceived individuals.  

We provide a range of free and confidential services including information and support, assistance with search and reunion, access to specialist counselling through a counselling brokerage fund, support groups, and creative workshops. 

VANISH is widely respected as a lived experience-led organisation and advocate. We continue to work towards a society that honours the best interests of the child and the right to genetic identity and connection.

Personal stories

My experience: A mother’s story

First came a friend request on Facebook. Just another 'I don't even know you' moment like so many others so I just ignored it. About a week later the postie was knocking on my door with a registered letter. My mind started racing, was this good news or bad? I looked...

Never say never: How I met my mother

I first found out I was adopted at about the age of 30, when Mum and Dad were compelled to tell me by circumstance. Hence, I didn’t feel I could pursue my original birth story until both had passed away. It was the mid-1990s when I found the good people at VANISH, who...

The Last Goodbye

This contribution came from a VANISH member (adoptee) who wanted to find a meaningful way to acknowledge the death of her mother. There are no recognised ceremonies or rituals in the adoption community to help us with our familial losses.  — The gathering was held in...

Mark’s Story

I was born in 1963 and adopted six weeks later.  At the age of six, I was told I was adopted and to me it didn’t really matter at the time as I was so young.  As I went through school and other kids found out I was adopted I suffered deep humiliation and embarrassment...

Latest news and events

We’re hiring: Operations Coordinator

We’re hiring: Operations Coordinator

VANISH is currently recruiting an Operations Coordinator to play a key role in enabling our organisation to fulfill its mission of providing impactful services and initiatives for adults affected by adoption and family separation. As the first point of contact for the...

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Search Service

“I would like to thank you for your care and compassion in assisting me with my search.  Your professionalism and sincerity has made the difficult situation of learning about my mother’s short life and tragic death an easier process to deal with.”

Search Service

“I cannot imagine what my difficult search and reunion would have been like without Charlotte and the team from VANISH.”

About our staff

“I would just like to say thank you for all the kindness and support Tracey showed me yesterday. Her listening skills and understanding meant a lot to me.”

About our staff

“The staff were professional, caring and compassionate.”

About our staff

“I really found Patricia (my ‘case manager’) to be amazing and feel lucky to have had her on my journey.”

Support Groups

“Being around other people who understand your experience and can voice their own is just so incredibly powerful. I feel so very grateful to the VANISH adoptee support group.”


“Thank you for your ongoing high standard of service provision and advocacy on behalf of the adoption community – especially the adoptee community.”

Get in touch with our helpful team

Contact us to find out more about our services or have a chat about how we can best support you.