How to Help
VANISH’s work has been made possible with the help of hundreds of members, volunteers, and supporters throughout our 30+ year history. There are many ways you can get involved and support us in assisting people affected by adoption and separation from a child or family.
Volunteer with us
If you have some free time, you may like to consider becoming a VANISH volunteer.
Over the years, community members have offered their skills and expertise in a variety of voluntary roles, including:
- Using their professional skills to update VANISH policies and procedures, conduct research or write submissions on issues affecting our community
- Organising fundraising and philanthropic initiatives
- Helping with general office and administrative tasks, including our VOICE newsletter mailout
- Maintaining the VANISH library and database of resources
- Co-facilitating our peer support groups
- Distributing VANISH brochures in local community centres
To learn more or express interest in becoming a volunteer, please contact us.
Join our Committee of Management
VANISH is governed by a volunteer Committee of Management (COM) comprised of VANISH members and skilled professionals who share a passion for supporting members of the community impacted by adoption, out-of-home care, and donor conception. VANISH is committed to ensuring our COM reflects the diversity of our community, so we welcome expressions of interest from individuals of varying ages, backgrounds, and experiences.
We are looking for Committee members who:
- demonstrate an alignment with VANISH’s mission and values,
- possess professional skills and experience that can support VANISH’s purpose and objectives, and
- may also have a relevant lived experience including being an adopted person, a parent separated from a child through adoption, a child or grandchild of an adopted person, a donor conceived individual or someone impacted by an out of home care experience.
We are particularly keen to hear from people who may have experience in the law, digital transformation, fundraising, impact measurement or advocacy.
All COM members are required to undergo security checks prior to appointment.
If you are interested in joining the Committee of Management or would like further information, please contact VANISH CEO Dr Michelle Blanchard on (03) 9328 8611 or email
Share your story
Despite state and federal apologies, there is still a lack of awareness and understanding about the impact of past and forced adoption practices.
By writing about your personal experience or providing an interview for the media, you can help to educate the community about past practices and the needs of people affected, dispel the myths about adoption that continue to exist, and remind other people affected that they are not alone.
You may also like to write something for our VANISH VOICE newsletter or on our Personal Stories page. If you have a story about your adoption or separation from a child or family that you’d like to share, please contact us.
Contact your local MP
The lived experience of community members can make a real impact on public policy, programs and services. VANISH encourages our members and service users to advocate for matters that are important to you, through writing a letter or requesting an appointment with your local or federal MP, making an individual submission to a formal government inquiry, or starting or signing a petition. Adding your voice can be empowering and rewarding, as well as making a difference to whether an issue is heard and addressed. If you would like some guidance about how to participate in advocacy, feel free to contact us.
Get in touch with our helpful team
Contact us to find out more about our services or have a chat about how we can best support you.